Mechanics Design and Manufacturing of Biomedical Devices
Brief project overview
Monitoring the human bio-sigials including temperature and electrophysiological with high accuracy provides a fast, facile, yet powerful route about the human body in a wide range of health information standards. One of my research interests is on designing and engineering smart devices for biomedical engineering and healthcare monitoring.
The smart contact lense we designed is for continuous remote assessment of ocular health and chronic diseases. These devices are built upon various commercial brands of soft contact lenses that offer ergonomic designs to safely fit a variety of corneal shapes and sizes in human eyes. The pragmatic applicaiton of these devices is boundless ranging from (1) at-home management of chronic ocular diseases such as glaucoma to (2) painless ocular drug delivery and to (3) contact lens research and development.

For more information, please refer to the publication below:
Kyunghun Kim, Ho Joong Kim, Haozhe Zhang^, Woohyun Park, Dawn Meyer, Min Ku Kim, Bongjoong Kim, Heun Park, Baoxing Xu, Pete Kollbaum, Bryan W Boudouris, Chi Hwan Lee. All-printed stretchable corneal sensor on soft contact lenses for noninvasive and painless ocular electrodiagnosis. Nature Communications 12 (2021) 1544 ( denotes equal contribution)
To monitoring the body temperature with high accuracy, here we introduce ultrasensitive and stretchable gold-doped silicon nanomembrane (Au-doped SiNM) epidermal temperature sensor array for the first time. The ultrasensitivity is achieved by shifting freeze-out region to intrinsic region in carrier density and modulation of fermi energy level of p-type SiNM through the development of a novel gold-doping strategy.

For more information, please refer to the publication below:
Mingyu Sang, Kyowon Kang, Yue Zhang, Haozhe Zhang, Kiho Kim, Myeongki Cho, Jongwoon Shin, Jung-Hoon Hong, Taemin Kim, Shin Kyu Lee, Woon-Hong Yeo, Jung Woo Lee, Taeyoon Lee, Baoxing Xu and Ki Jun Yu. Ultra-high Sensitive Au-doped Silicon Nanomembrane Based Wearable Sensor Arrays for Continuous Skin Temperature Monitoring with High Precision. Advanced Materials. 2021, 2105865